Pretty kewl how my Federal Election Commission Committee Id begins w/ 007
Sexy Vegan
kristin@sexyvegan.net is my secretary's email
The Universal Law of Karma is in life's algorithm and it dictates that you reap what you sow (not necessarily in real time or even in this particular known existence). Oprah has contended this and she was the person who established the career of Dr. Phil and she met Dr. Phil when the meat industry was suing her for defamation and Dr. Phil posted me to his social media in 2018 on Oprah's birthday (also my 1st Dr Phil episode originally aired on Gandhi's birthday in 2017) and Oprah told Dr. Oz (who resembles me) that she didn't believe in coincidences cause there are too many.
Please do not use dog poo bags cause they are mutually disadvantageous because they trap insects and cause unpleasant odor in both the transient receptacle as well as their way to pollute landfills. Please flush down the toilet or use as fertilizer on the soil. Plus, do not use single-use intended plastic bottles but if you do then leave caps off because insects go in cause they are thirsty and when you put the caps back on then throw away that insect is trapped in there and suffers until they slowly die, there is a better way if you listen to me, I notice things that pass others by.. True empathy is not telling other's what they want to hear cause you know it will go over well, true empathy is ending suffering even if people who lack the empathy to understand what you are doing not only don't give you credit for your noble work but insult and call you crazy.. I currently live in an electric house and own an electric car. I do NOT drink, smoke or use any illicit drugs and I recycle everything..